Feeling confused about how to eat as a runner?
You're not alone.
Continuing down this path leads to exhaustion, injury & burnout.
Even your relationships are impacted when you're hangry and get easily irritated with your friends & family.
Let's work together

I used to be in your shoes. and now my daughter sees me eating a bowl of cereal and a bagel in the same sitting.
For the longest time I thought I was eating to support my running. Little did I know, running fasted, trying to cut out foods, and following restrictive food rules was causing me to do it all wrong....even after spending YEARS studying nutrition.
Now I'm passionate about helping runners learn how to fuel their body confidently to run strong and live a life without feeling overwhelmed with food. I use a combination of intuitive eating and sports nutrition to teach you how to eat in a way that makes you feel your best whether it's during training runs or keeping up with your kids on a Saturday.
The principals you learn set the foundation for not only fueling for your next race, but for years to come and passing on a healthy relationship to your kids so they never have to be sucked into diet culture.
I have helped hundreds of runners learn how to navigate these different scenarios and learn to fuel their body to run strong and have a healthy relationship with food.
Whether you're training for an upcoming race and unsure how to eat to support your training or overcome stomach problems or want to stop stressing over food once and for all, you've come to the right place.
I specialize in helping runners learn to fuel their bodies, without tracking their food or following another diet, but feel confident in their food choices to hit paces easier, recover faster, and live a life of food freedom.